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Found 261 results for any of the keywords de andrade. Time 0.007 seconds.
Diogo Pessoa de Andrade | Creative Visuals - YouTubeMy name is Diogo Pessoa de Andrade. I am a filmmaker, director, and cinematographer based in Lisbon, Portugal. With 20+ years of experience in film and video...
MUSIC VIDEOSFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
CORPORATE INSTITUTIONALFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
FILMS DOCUMENTARIESFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
ADS PUBLICITYFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
Filipe Moura - SunKuWriter - Sun-Ku - Filipe LifeIn July 2010, Moura presented A continuação do ser: modo de vida (The continuation of being: a way of life), a book that deals with real facts about the life of a prison convict, showing the author's ability to explor
RECENT WORKFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
PROMOTIONAL FILMSFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
Apartamento À Venda Em São Paulo, Apartamento Na Planta, Em ConstruçãoApartamento Em São Paulo, Apartamento à Venda No Butantã, Caxingui, Jardim Guedala, Pinheiros, Moema, Morumbi, Brooklin, Bela Vista, Santo Amaro, Vila Sônia, Brás, Vila Madalena, Campo Belo, Itaim Bibi, Vila Olimpia, Jar
CREATIVE VISUALS Filmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in LFilmmaker, Producer, Director, DoP, Videographer in Lisbon, Portugal
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